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Showing posts from June, 2020

High Tech Remodel Options

If you want to go high tech with your next remodel , here are a few ideas.  Consider solar power for your home and get clean energy. Perhaps a TV inside a mirror? Heated flooring anyone? Like yes to all of the above! I could go to a private hidden library too. One with secret passageways and all that sort of stuff. A comfy couch in front of the window to is my kind of perfect. Add a whole collection of audiobooks too and you have the perfect getaway for the introvert.    Lightbulbs that save energy to solar panels, there are a lot of fantastic inventions for saving energy and going green too. Green Thumb? Garden your way to delicious organic vegetables. How about a basement greenhouse or an indoor encloser for your favorite pet reptiles. Fiber optic internet connections are still high on a home buyers list. Espisaily for a home office, a wired internet connection is much faster than wifi. 

Relax with a Massage

Sit back, relax. Take good care of yourself. Get all those stressful pains away from you. It not only feels good for your body but it can also help your state of mentality. When everything hurts, massage can help you feel better. Why not treat yourself?  A massage chair really helps me when it all hurts like crazy. Pain sucks, but it sucks, even more, when it is difficult to get your mind off of it. Often, you need a bit of a distraction from it. Chiropractic services often recommend others to a massage therapist because it is good for you.